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To bring awareness, educate and promote water safety so that no family has to experience the loss of a child due to drowning. 


Mazie's Mission is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that advocates for all children who have been injured from or lost their lives too soon from drowning. Mazie's Mission's goal is to provide awareness by educating the community on water safety, to collaborate with local partners to prevent infant and child drowning and ensure all children have access to swim lessons. Drowning is silent but Mazie's Mission will not be.

To read more about Mazie's Mission and her beautiful legacy...
Mazie's Mission

Help support Mazie's Mission and their continue efforts in making a difference with water safety and the prevention of infant and child drownings.

Donate to support Mazie's Mission

All donations are tax deductible and go towards: 



*Providing Water Safety Awareness 

*Scholarships for Swim Lessons

*Pay For ISR Survival Swim Certification

*Host CPR Training Within the Community

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ISR Cajun Country

ISR Non-Discrimination Policy:

Infant Swimming Resource, LLC ("ISR") complies with all federal and state laws and regulations and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion or disability. It is the policy of ISR to provide reasonable accommodations to its disabled applicants and students, with the provision of appropriate documentation of the need for the accommodation.

All images are Copyright material of Infant Swimming Resource, LLC. and/or Brooke Calhoun ISR Cajun Country

ISR Cajun Country Survival Swim Lessons
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